Tuesday, January 29, 2008

tristeza ajena

For those out there that read my blog but aren't familiar with the spanish language, the title means 'foreign sadness'. The reason I chose to say it in spanish is because, unlike in English, it carries the connotation that it belonged to somebody else, rather than it just being a sadness that is simply not mine. Now to the point.

Well I ran out of milk today so I thought I'd take a quick trip to the local grocery store, Constantino's, which I have developed a bit of dislike for, but it's not fully grounded and, in its defense, it is convenient, especially having it that close. Regardless, I went and got some cereal and soap, which was going to run out soon and went to the cashier to check out. An older woman, probably in her 40s looked as though she was wiping away tears from her eyes. Her voice broke as she said something I don't even remember. I could hardly stand to look at her, I was instantly grieved and wondered what had occurred. I wanted to say something, ask her what was wrong or try to offer some words of encouragement, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything. All I could do was helplessly wait while she bagged my things, a pain, obviously wearing her down. I payed, distraught at my inadequacies. I didn't want to be there, I wanted her to be able to leave and heal her pains somehow, but she was tied to the spot. Her "have a good night" pained me all the more and as I replied "you too" I couldn't have been lying all the more. I knew her night couldn't be good, though I hoped for it truly.

Now, this is all my perception, as I don't know this person and even less, her circumstances, but I thought I would share the episode with you guys as it really impacted me. I hope she's alright.


Cristina said...

Dito !!!! ay chico, tan malo que es eso, el sentimiento de no poder ayudar a alguien en una situación dificil. Pero, lo más que se puede hacer es orar por ella y esperar lo mejor, que su tristeza sea solo pasajera.

Anonymous said...

Why did you say nothing?!?
I'm from the south buddy, we notice things like this and sometimes a simple "are you alright" makes the largest difference. *sigh* what a missed opportunity...