Friday, November 16, 2007

See Y'all later

It's 3:47 AM and in approximately 15 minutes, I'm about to set off the first of a chain of events that will result in the beginning of a brand new adventure for me. Today I'm going to visit my sister and her family in Tennessee and staying over at her place through thanksgiving break. When that ends I'm going to return here to Rochester, pack all my belongings and move to Cleveland. It wasn't until tonight upon saying good-bye to Bucky and Ryan that I truly felt the impact of the move. I won't be in rochester again for about a year (because of the co-op plus the leave of absence I'll be taking next fall) and I really really am going to miss my good friends here while I am away. Not just the guys but all the wonderful people I've met during my time here. I'm so glad I have been able to meet them and be friends and share laughter and awkward moments and hours of boredom, stress, fun, work and just overall what life is about.

Thank you all. See you soon! :)


jesusluvsrawk said...

you better say goodbye to me when you get back to roc before moving to cleveland !!!!!!!!!!

Cristina said...

Awww, new experiences are both wonderful and scary. I'm glad you had a great time at RIT. Hopefully I'll see you soon!