Tuesday, November 27, 2007

caving in

Wow, I actually have a real reason to write a blog. Something consequential. As anyone who has been reading this blog thus far knows, I will be moving to Cleveland this weekend. Everything was going swimmingly and then out of the blue today my plans took a terrible hit. I suppose I can blame naught but my inexperience, lack of preparation and tenacity, and overall my utter irresponsibility (and yes, I'm probably being a bit hard on myself). Whatever the case, today I was given the unpleasant surprise that I have to essentially "come up", as they say, with a large sum of money by this saturday. Now it's not earth-shattering but I had my money basically counted and budgeted already and this just throws it all out the window by far.

I suppose that it all stems from the fact that I had been unrealistically too positive with when I would have to pay the apartment complex for the rest of the money I owed on the deposit and the first month. It's my own fault coz I never double checked with them when it actually was that I was going to have to pay that and somewhere deep inside me I was thinking that maybe the lady would make an exception for me and wait until I started making money. Of course, I don't know where I got that idea in my head but *sigh* what can i do now, right? So now I'm screwing over my entire family having them take money out of their savings and just out of funds they shouldn't even consider taking out of just coz of my monumental oversight. So of course they're all telling me not to worry too much out of it but how can I? At this age I should be providing for myself already and not counting on my family to support me all the time. What adds insult to injury is that this all could've been prevented. But that's in the past now so it's no use wishing I could change it. I could say, 'if I'd known I was gonna have to pay this now I would've done X' but it's worth nothing to my current situation.

Furthermore, another thing just worked to rub salt on the open wound but I won't even go into detail on that one. Did I trust God too much? Did I trust to the point of ignorance? Probably.


Anonymous said...

Bro... For the last time... you are NOT screwing your family!!!!!!! What are we here for if not to help each other out???!!!

You DO realize that at some point in our lives, the tables might flip and you will be helping us or someone else in the family is a similar situation?! I know right now it's hard to see beyond the current situation because we so easily drown in issues such as these. But nevertheless, PLEASE stop blaming yourself for this!

You are being responsible about school, getting great grades, and technically that has been your job for the last few years. So, you HAVE been doing a good job!

Mores so, our family is different! Don't blame this all on yourself. There are plenty of college students out there that have been in the same situation and their parents have bailed them out. Our difference is that ours can't. But that will just make you stronger and more independent in the future and you will come to appreciate this fact! I sure have!

The good thing is that we are being able to work this out! Hey at least it's not like our parents spoil you and give you a brand new car and you go and wreck it early on.

Which reminds me, PLEASE call u-haul and add insurance to the truck!!!!!! ;oD

So that's it. I won't try to convince you anymore about this. But one last time, I will insist to tell you that:

Love ya bro!!!!

Coppelia said...

Hey bro!! I pretty much echo what I'm guessing Milli (I mean "anonymous") said in the previous post. We are here for you, you don't have to worry, God will provide, and I imagine in the future we'll have even more opportunities to bail each other out...or even invite each other out for Starbucks' peppermint mocha frappuccinos. ;-)

And you are doing more than great. Not even out of college, you nailed that interview, got the internship, and you're an all around really great guy. Talented, creative and a very good writer. So don't let anything bring you down. Keep me posted. I'm sure we'll be thanking the Lord really soon for his provision!! Love & miss ya!