Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Like clockwork, every piece moved the other
In time, the rhythms of logic emerge from repetition
This flowing transience that is hidden in change
Often peers through and renders the optimist helpless

In time, the rhythms of logic emerge from repetition
Once detected, disarmed but for a smile, a specter
Often peers through and renders the optimist helpless
For in all this, it is the infallibility of choice that remains

Once detected, disarmed but for a smile, a specter
Swings back and  forth a steady pendulum
For in all this, it is the infallibility of choice that remains
And clearing all doubt of predisposition

Swings back and  forth a steady pendulum
This flowing transience that is hidden in change
And clearing all doubt of predisposition
Like clockwork, every piece moved the other

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