Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hello, 2012

Quick note, coz apparently I can't stop posting on my blog all of a sudden. Yeah, it's just weird that it's already been 4 days into the new year. It might feel that way, in part because I've only really left my apartment a handful of times. Anyway, work starts back up tomorrow and as much as I love vacation, some human interaction and just being at work in general, I'm sure, will feel pretty good. I suppose, all I really wanna say is, I hope 2012 is a great year. There's a fairly good chance this'll be my first full year in Japan. We'll see how that goes.

(here's where I get a little ethereal)

Living can be pretty easy sometimes. Course, on the other hand, it's never easy. The balance that we like to call normal is really just the x axis on this sine wave we're all riding. Every time we think we're getting close to it it's just to overshoot it and keep being abnormal. I think, I always want to make the best of when I'm in -y and to really appreciate when I'm in +y - to continue the sine wave metaphor. I don't know, obviously, all that 2012 has in store for me. Every day has its troubles, but time doesn't stop. Before our eyes moments become minutes become days, then weeks, months and just like that another year's past. I honestly don't think "the world will end" in 2012. I do think it'll end, as all things in this life do, but I don't think anyone alive on the planet right now will come to see it. That said, I do see the virtue in living with the thought of finality in mind. Not so that it saddens us but so that it moves us; so that it drives us to cherish life and all that comes with.

I wanna greet 2012 with a good, firm handshake and spend it so that at its end it may initiate the goodbye hug, missing me as I shake hands with 2013.

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