Friday, August 28, 2009


Job? Check.
Car? Check.
Apartment? Pending.
Two out of three's not so bad :D The apartment application is going through a bit of a bump but I'll just do what I can do and trust God with the rest! Tomorrow's officially my last day working for Sherwin-Williams. It sure feels weird thinking that chapter in my life is drawing to a close, and so unassumingly. It almost feels like after I left in November of last year the chapter indeed came to a close and up until now has just been some sort of epilogue. I'll be mailing the work computer back tomorrow and saying good bye to the people at Sherwin.

Speaking of connections in Cleveland, yesterday I got to see Dillon and Kathy who are on their uber awesome road trip honeymoon! We caught up over dinner and dessert and I'm super glad Rocklin was on their way down to San Franciso, where it just so happens I'll be going with Coppelia and Adam (sis and her hubs) to see Wicked on Saturday.

Speaking of San Fran, I'm so excited to be moving down to the Bay Area. I'll be moderately close enough to San Fran to visit it on a regular basis, which I plan to do to hit up Japan Town :D I seriously gotta check out Kinokuniya (japanese book store in Japan Town)! If I move in next Tuesday that week will be a sort of Vacation for me as I won't actually start working at Tiny Prints until the 8th. So I even get a long weekend out of it! :D I'm pretty excited about the apartment though, it's only about 10 mins from work and it's across the street from an Ikea and a Best Buy! Plus, it's got a trendy fireplace. TRENDY. FIREPLACE. Haha, granted that's not really that big a deal to me but it's funny. I do wish I had a dishwasher but I guess I shouldn't be such a lazy bum. Living with my sis sure spoiled me in that sense.

Speaking of dishwashers... just kidding. I've been listening to Ellipse by Imogen Heap (see previous post) a whole lot. Actually, I'm listening to it right now! I love it. It seems I'm having a bit of writers block today so I'll quit at this point and blab about something else at some other point. My mind feels extremely busy lately and right now it's not really helping to write so yeah, gonna step off for a while. Till next time readers :) jaa, ne!

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