Thursday, January 29, 2009

Haiku of the Week

And here's another feature I plan to do weekly XD (in hopes of using this blog other than the ultra long biographical logs).


Didn't expect it to be an actual 俳句 (haiku) did ya? Well there it was. A liberal translation may say:

heaviest of snow
falls ever so heavily
but is beautiful

Tune in next week. Let's see if I can do more japanese ones :)

Word of the Week

So I decided to try to do a word of the week "feature" lol.

Superfluous - (according to Merriam Webster)
1 a: exceeding what is sufficient or necessary : extra b: not needed : unnecessary
2obsolete : marked by wastefulness : extravagant

Used in a sentence: Truly getting a chocolate bar at the end of this chocolate factory's tour is superfluous.

Reason I chose this word is because for whatever reason I've been saying it a lot. So there you have it, tune in next week for the next Word of the Week, till then, stay superfluous.