Sunday, July 20, 2008

You are not safe in the elevator

So, hilarious. Last night I went to Jill's place with a few friends and we hung out and saw Newsies and ate cookies and just had a good time in general. Afterward, Steve dropped me off at my place at around 2:30AM. Well as I was going up the elevator to my 8th floor apartment, it stopped at, I think the 4th floor and a guy and girl come in the elevator. The door is practically opening when the guy gets reeeeally close to me screaming in my face 'nobody loves me!!!' and then goes on a quasi-unintelligible rant about how he went to a gay bar and got no attention. Subsequently asking loudly not only the girl he was with but probably myself too 'do you know what it's like to be gay... in a sea of gays?' Well the girl was rather drunk too (ok that's a soft way of putting it, they were both hammered) and she answers 'not really, no'. But that's all the short trip up to the 6th floor gave us a chance to share. Then as they're stepping off the elevator the girl extends her hand for a hand shake as she wishes me a good night. Of course I oblige and wish her a good night in return. The door closed and my elevator ride continued for two more floors while I laughed in disbelief that what just happened actually happened.

Alternate title for this blog: Drunk Elevator Quotes

Now Listening to: Death And All His Friends

you should watch (or maybe you shouldn't): IOSYS magic

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