Monday, June 8, 2009

Random thought #34

In this day and age, man is a dry wood and information is a fire.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Yes, you heard right (read right?). Effective May 27th, I moved in with my sister and her family in California. The reason, you ask? I wish I could say there's an easy answer, a clear reason, heck, even a better motive than job searching. However, here I am and here's where I'll be for a good while, I hope.

I graduated the 22nd of May with a BS in IT, which, for the record, is not a Bulls**t in Indexing Turtles*. In the search for a reason, we can experiment with RETROSPECTION and need only look back a few weeks. Actually, if we look back 2-3 months it may be even more entertaining(/boring). As most of you know, I was working for The Sherwin-Williams Company until... well, I may still be working for them ww (<-- those w's mean I'm laughing in japanese). I applied for a co-op with them spring of 2007. Actually, it was more like I gave my resume to a recruiter at a job fair in RIT that spring. I didn't even hear back from them until that summer while I was working in my aunt's company. Long story short (as if that ever happens with me), I got a telephone interview with Sherwin that fall and was working for them that december. And work I did! The co-op was a double-block, which means I was to work with them for Winter quarter (Dec-Feb) and Spring quarter (Mar-May) but as luck would have it (really it was God's will), I ended up extending my stay with them through the summer and then even through that fall! Went back to RIT december of '08 and finished my degree in Indexing Turtles** while telecommuting (working from far away) for Sherwin.

Needless to say, Sherwin's been a super blessing and a great experience but as the time of graduating crept closer and closer I had to figure out what I was going to do. I asked Sherwin about the possibility of a full-time position and they said that for various reasons (one of which I'm inclined to believe is my lack of ability XD ) they couldn't really offer me one. However, they were awesomely nice enough to offer me the opportunity to go to Cleveland after graduation and work for them as a co-op for up to 6 months while I continue to look for a job. Of course, this didn't stop me from trying to find a job as I didn't want to fall back on Sherwin. I started to look at job listings in Craig's list. Now, I know you know I have some SUPER COOL friends in Cleveland and they're SUPER COOL indeed but somehow I felt Cleveland wasn't where I was supposed to be. Add to that the fact that an awakening in me occurred towards wanting to rejoin family. That is, I wanted to end up closer to them and in this case that meant living near either of my sisters, since there was pretty much no way I would purposely decide to go back to PR. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents and everything but PR is just not for me at this point. To that end, I started eyeing out Craig's list job listings in Nashville, TN, Sacramento, CA and San Francisco,CA/Bay area. I sent out more resumes than ever and never heard back from anybody. This time I'm inclined to blame the bad economy or my lack of experience.

Well my time at RIT began to come to an end and I was sort of beginning to scramble to decide. I was trying to hold out as long as I could to get a job elsewhere and have a valid reason not to go back to Cleveland. Alas, it never came. And then something quite interesting happened. I went back to Cleveland for Russ and Kindel's wedding the second weekend of May. In one of the many conversations that I had, a friend told me of something she did. She went out on a limb to NYC without a job and found one after she got there. This clicked in my head and made perfect sense to me! A sort of epiphany almost, then again it was probably God talking through her testimony. Whatever the case, I knew what I was going to do... or at least attempt to do! Because Bay Area had yielded the most job listings, I thought it'd be a good idea to ask my sister who lives in Cali so I gave her a call. Her reply was great! She was totally in tune with the possibility of me going out there and even opened her house to me. Within a week I had booked my plane ticket and was rearing to go.

My parents came to Rochester for my graduation on thursday the 21st and joined me and tons of my friends for graduation on the 22nd. They stayed around until the following week's wednesday, which happened to be the day my flight out to Cali was. They helped me A TON with getting all my stuff shipped as well as some other people like Bucky, Ryan and Moses and Uncle Jim helping me get rid of some of my other stuff. Finally, after spending way too much money shipping everything (it still would've been twice as much to use u-haul or a moving company) Wednesday came and off we went. And here I am, crashing at my sister's place until I find me a job so I can hopefully find my own place (in this world*** www). It's been really nice out here hangin out with my sister and bro-in-law and nephew (Coppelia, Adam and Christopher respectively). I'm glad to be part of the family and am trying to help out as much as I can. In fact, I even helped out with worship at church today :) So yeah, maybe I don't really have a reason to be here but I'm absolutely certain there's a purpose behind it all.

TaT out.

* terrible joke #1
** reference to terrible joke #1
*** terrible joke # 2