Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I haven't been posting as much stuff from poetry class as I thought I would but I just finished writing my (first?) sonnet and I thought I'd share it. This is probably a first draft but sonnets are hard and it's my first go at it so I'm sort of proud of it hee hee ^^

No Theorem

She decided not to take my offer
and live to tell the tale of deep regret
take the road that steers the clearest of her
and given time my mind will soon forget
I will hold the memory of loving
and she will pay a ransom for her time
ring in hand I'll stop the hate from growing
and try to find a prison for this crime

bursting thoughts in rationale and justice
endless testing spinning process reason
this rejection taken swiftly caused this
not a man but shadows for a season

love in one direction as a vector
magnitude in vain with no reflector

© 2008 Emilio Gandara

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I'm taking a poetry class this quarter. I'm pretty excited about it and today was the first day. I was pretty nervous coz it's something that matters to me but it was pretty fun. Actually, at the end we were tasked with a little exercise: to write a sample poem. Basically we had to write 5 lyrics or catch phrases, anything that we could think of, from whatever artist or media. I was actually called upon to read it. My heart was pounding so hard you'd think I'd laid eyes on the love of my life for the first time. So here it is, I'm going to italicize the parts I sampled and leave the guessing to you guys :D

I'm not ready for you to go
I don't know how I'll feel tomorrow
but if you stay with me a while
give me an hour and I'll give you your dream

I heard you say you wished I'd die
and I thought "only if He'll bring me back a dog in the next life"
take a second and think of it
the implication of your imposition

where were you a week ago
when we sang and our song shook the ground

that's when I wished you'd never die
and you said "I'll be a better me tomorrow"

© Emilio Gandara 2008

Have fun guessing! I know cris will know one right away coz it's sort of an inside joke of ours ;)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Haiku otw 3/9 I

Late again, but I won't bother myself with the details, hehe.

I long to move so:
Further Up and Further In
just to see the Light

Just finished reading The Chronicles of Narnia. Amazing is a gross understatement in describing what a work the Lord has blessed C. S. Lewis with. Enjoyed every bit of it!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

WotW March 09 I

Hey all, I'm on time again, hooray! And so, the word will be...

concupiscence -
strong desire, especially sexual desire (in other words, a fancy word for lust)

Used in a sentence: Rather than being fought, concupiscence is best defeated through escape.

Reason: Saw it written in my Bible :)

[edit - I was actually early! I just can't get it right, can I? haha]

Monday, March 2, 2009

Late WotW and Haiku! (Feb 09 IV)

Hey all, here's a double-whammy late edition but because in the span of an hour I've received both the word and haiku so instead of skipping a week I decided to post both.

Lackadaisical -
lacking life, spirit, or zest

Used in a sentence: Upon quitting his long-drawn pursuit of existential knowledge, a cold wind was breathed and a lackadaisical sigh was exhaled.

Reason: I saw in twitter that it is my friend Jen's new favorite word.

Aaaaand the haiku is thus, inspired by The Watchmen:

requires a deep knowledge
of things temporal
